6 February 2009
Ryerson event brings out cross-section of industry
TORONTO—Third-year students at Ryerson’s School of Graphic Communications Management held their annual Colloquium last night at the university. This year’s theme was Globalization, and speakers represented the full spectrum of the industry.

Warren Werbitt, president of Pazzaz Printing in Montreal, talked about running an environmentally and socially conscious shop, and fostering good business practices, while Jean Francois Colpron, vice-president of marketing and product management at Heidelberg, spoke about his company as a global player.

James Lee, manager of technical services at Jones Packaging, addressed the role of a successful packaging company, dealing with the rise of China and India as major players and perceived threats.

Chris Fraser, director of new business development at Movable Inc., encouraged the students to do their research, make connections, and get to know themselves, before venturing out into the industry.

Warren Werbitt from Pazzaz Printing,  Jean Francois Colpron, from Heidelberg, James Lee from Jones Packaging,  Chris Fraser from Movable Inc.
photos by: Mani Daryabeigy
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