3 August 2022
BC Capital Becomes Partner in Fedrigoni Label
International manufacture of self-adhesive labels and paper packaging
International manufacture of self-adhesive labels and paper packaging
Bain Capital Private Equity, has signed a deal to enter into joint ownership agreement for Fedrigoni, a global producer of self-adhesive labels and fibre-based packaging products, with BC Partners, a leading international investment firm. Bain Capital acquired Fedrigoni in 2017. Under Bain Capital’s ownership, Fedrigoni has more than doubled Sales and nearly tripled  EBITDA through a combination of organic growth acceleration and M&A execution. Founded in 1888, Fedrigoni manufacturer  of self-adhesive labels and materials and papers for luxury packaging and other creative solutions.
The company currently has more than 4,500 employees in 27 countries and 48 facilities, including production plants, cutting centers and distribution. The Group sells and distributes 25,000 products in 132 countries and, has gained the position of a leading global player in wine labels, specialty papers for luxury packaging, drawing paper and self-adhesive materials. The Paper division includes the Cordenons Group and the historic Fabriano brand, and the Self-Adhesives division includes Arconvert, Manter, Ritrama (from February 2020), IP Venus (from December 2020), Acucote and Rimark (from June 2021), Divipa (February 2022)  Tageos (April 2022) and Unifol (July 2022). The U.S. distributor GPA is also part of the Group.
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