7 May 2022
Mattatall Signs Founder Receives Distinguished Service Award
Robert Mattatall ( right)  receives the International Sign Association Distinguished Service Award
Robert Mattatall ( right) receives the International Sign Association Distinguished Service Award
 Robert Mattatall, founder of Mattatall Signs Ltd. in Dartmouth, NS, has been presented the Kirk L. Brimley Distinguished Service Award. The award is the highest honour of the sign, graphics and visual communications industry. Mattatall was named the 2021 recipient while Granberry was presented the award for 2022. John Yarger, ISA board chairman in 2021, recognized Mattatall as a "tireless advocate for the sign industry and industry associations for decades." Mattatall served on the Sign Association of Canada's board and on the ISA board,
Sign Association of Canada is a member go the International Sign Association
Sign Association of Canada is a member go the International Sign Association
including a stint as board chair. He founded Mattatall Signs Ltd. in 1979 and recently passed the company on to the next generation, who also have committed to serving the industry through association work. "It's a humbling experience," Mattatall said of learning he would receive the award. "I feel that there are a lot of other people more deserving. I’m still gobsmacked that my name was put forward and the committee decided to bless me with the award. It's a nice recognition, and it coming from the peers means that much more."
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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