16 March 2022
Trade Show Building Used For Ukraine Refugees
Hall one used for Ukraine refuges
Hall one used for Ukraine refuges
 The world's largest  trade show organizer is building a first aid centre with emergency accommodation at its Frankfurt, Germany exhibition centre to assist refugees fleeing from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Earlier this week, Messe Frankfurt suspended all trade shows in Russia, joining a growing number of print industry companies taking action. A first aid centre with emergency accommodation for refugees from Ukraine is being built at Messe Frankfurt,
One of over 200 trade show Messe Frankfurt runs
One of over 200 trade show Messe Frankfurt runs
" Messe Frankfurt said. "In Hall 1 on the Frankfurt exhibition grounds, there will be a first port of call where everything necessary will be provided until the people can be placed in longer-term accommodation throughout Hesse. A contract to this effect was concluded with the city at short notice and without red tape.” The shelter is run by the German Red Cross (DRK) and the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB). Messe Frankfurt is responsible for the construction and other services within the accommodation. Messe Frankfurt, founded in 1907, is the world's largest trade fair, congress and event organizer with its own exhibition grounds. Messe Frankfurt has 2,500 employees at 30 locations. 
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Is this good or bad for all NON-Epson printers?...
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