25 August 2011
Vancouver's Metropolitan Fine Printers re-brands
VANCOUVER—Metropolitan Fine Printers has unveiled its new corporate branding, and will now be known simply as MET Fine Printers. MET has also introduced MET Resource, a project management division within the MET group of companies.

MET's branding and new website  "were created to reflect MET's three pillars of engagement: Environment, design and ethical business practices," according to the company. The new website offers detailed studies of its environmental and business practices showcasing an expanded array of projects in its gallery.

MET's Director of Brand, Scott Gray, noted, "We felt it was time to let our clients know what we have been up to ... our digital and web-based services have grown tremendously but we have not really talked too much about it. A fresh look and robust new website seemed a good place to start the conversation".

Meanwhile, the new MET Resource "recognizes the changing world of print and the necessity to provide a service that project manages print collateral from business cards through retail signage and installation that puts Brand Continuity at the top of the list."

MET Fine Printers is a privately owned family business offering digital printing, large format/banners, bindery, packaging and more.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
Editor : ...
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