28 October 2009
Graphics Canada to feature seminar series
MISSISSAUGA—Graphics Canada has announced a series of seminars during show days, from November 12 to 14. The seminar program takes place concurrently with the show and includes such topics as how to deliver value to your clients, web-to-print, colour proofing, sales management, the future of print, and economic trends for the printing industry.
Speakers will include Dave Fellman of Fellman & Associates on sales, Lorne Patterson of Patterson & Associates and Gord Griffiths of BRS Jump (both Graphic Monthly Canada columnists) on economic trends, and several printers, including Warren Werbitt of Pazazz Printing, Jeff Ekstein of Willow Printing and Frank McPherson of Custom Data Imaging Corporation.

 Other educational features at the show include a printing sales training day on Thursday, November 12, and flexo seminars throughout the show. For a complete list of educational opportunities, and highlights of what exhibitors are bringing to the show, visit the Graphics Canada show guide from Graphic Monthly Canada.
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Rick says:
Is this good or bad for all NON-Epson printers?...
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