29 November 2023
Burke Group Buys Capital Colour & Priority Printing
Bought Topline Printing and Printcor back in 2018
Bought Topline Printing and Printcor back in 2018
  Burke Group has announce the successful acquisition of Capital Colour Press and Priority Printing, in the Edmonton market. This strategic move marks another significant milestone for Burke Group, as it combines the strengths of all three companies to provide an unparalleled level of excellence and innovation to clients.
Back in May 2022 the two companies announced a merger
Back in May 2022 the two companies announced a merger
With this acquisition, the Burke Group solidifies its position as a dominant force in the printing industry in Edmonton, Calgary, and western Canada. The integration of Capital Colour Press and Priority Printing into the Burke Group family brings together a wealth of experience, cutting-edge technology, and a highly skilled team of professionals. Burke Group was listed as Canada's 91st largest printer by Graphic Monthly.The largest in Alberta and one of the 4 largest in Western Canada (Friesens, Pollard and Hemlock). 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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