23 November 2015
Call for entries for the 2015 Canadian Gallery of Superb Printing Awards
The IAPHC is now accepting entries for its annual Gallery of Superb Printing Awards. The gallery is open to any individual firm associated with the global graphic arts industry, and there are no production date restrictions as long as it has not been previously entered.

It will cost members $70 to enter and $80 for non-members. If a piece is being entered in more than one category submit separate pieces and separate entry fees for each category.  If you would like your submission returned after judging, an additional $30 fee will be required.

Cheques should be made payable to the Toronto Club of Printing House Craftsmen and (cheques or credit card) must accompany the submitted entries in order to be judged. All entries become the property of the IAPHC unless the return fee is paid in advance and the pieces to be returned are clearly marked upon submission.
The Canadian Gallery of Superb Printing will be judged by several printing experts on the quality and difficulty of the graphic arts process used; i.e. ink coverage, intensity of solids, registration, dot structure, paper usage and overall visual appearance. Each category will be considered for a Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honourable Mention award. All Gold winners are eligible for the sponsored Best of the Best Awards.

The final deadline to submit entries is December 1, 2015. There will be an additional $5 charge for entries received after that date.

Visit the website for more details and contact IAPHC chair Bill Kidd at 905-895-4141 or  b.kidd@rogers.com.
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Rick says:
Is this good or bad for all NON-Epson printers?...
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