10 August 2015
Get out the tissues, P+PB releases heartwarming paper commercial
 Watch the video after the jump
We know paper is essential, but who knew it could tug at your heartstrings. A video called Letters To Dad, which is part of a consumer campaign by the Paper and Packaging Board (P+PB), does just that.

P+PB is an organization that unites the paper and paper-based packaging sector to promote and increase consumer appreciation for paper and paper-based packaging, reduce guilt associated with using these products and deepen the understanding of the industry’s environmentally friendly practices.

In the minute long video a child attempts to send his handwritten letters—that have been folded into paper airplanes—into the sky to reach his father who’s a solder in the army. A thoughtful neighbour helps preserve the child’s sense of wonder by getting the letters to their destination.

The campaign, called How Life Unfolds launched on July 8, 2015 and will run until December. It includes 30-second commercials, print advertising showcasing paper and packaging items, and coverage on its social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

How Life Unfolds is financed by the U.S. manufacturers and importers from four industry sectors including printing and writing, Kraft packaging paper, containerboard and paperboard.
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