11 November 2014
IML Labels installs a Xeikon 3500
SAINT-EUSTACHE, QC—IML Labels is now home to a Xeikon 3500 digital colour press. The new addition will complement the company’s offset presses. 

“Our customers are spread throughout North America and about 75 percent of them are involved in the food business,” owner and founder of IML Labels Donald Caron said. “As a result, it was very important to us that the Xeikon toner is FDA-compliant for food contact and does not contain mineral oil. In addition, color matching with our offset presses is so accurate that we can mix both processes within the same job.”

IML has over 50 employees and provides a one-stop-shop  service including pre-press, overprinting and finishing in order to create high-quality ready-to-mold labels to clients in the food, pharmaceutical, industrial and souvenirs industries. They provide products including ice cream containers, yogurt pots and butter tubs.

The 3500 runs ICE toner—the standard toner for printing in-mold labels— and can handle substrates widths up to 20.3 inches. IML has installed a UCoat finishing unit which allows inline flood aqueous coating and provides cut-to-sheet capabilities.

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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