13 March 2024
SaltWire Files For Creditor Protection
Bought over 24 newspapers from Transcontinental
Bought over 24 newspapers from Transcontinental
 SaltWire Network Inc. filed for creditor protection. In addition, a private equity fund has alleged the company owes it roughly $33 million after years of mismanagement out of its $94 million total debt load. SaltWire Network is Atlantic Canada’s largest publishing company with  27 media titles in all four provinces including The Chronicle Herald, Cape Breton Post, The Telegram, The Guardian and the Journal Pioneer.
out of New Brunswick bought printing operations from Saltwire
out of New Brunswick bought printing operations from Saltwire
The loss of local news In Atlantic Canada is on the heels of Metroland newspaper closings and Bell Media layoffs. Saltwire Network was created in 2017 when the Halifax Herald purchased more than two dozen Atlantic Canadian papers owned by Transcontinental and is also in a multi-million-dollar lawsuit with Transcontinental. SaltWire  sold  Bounty Print of Nova Scotia to New Brunswick’s Taylor Printing in 2020. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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