27 February 2024
Graphiscan Installs A HP Indigo 100K Digital Press
Marc Gagnon and Alex Legue from Graphiscan with Steve Daigle from H.P.
Marc Gagnon and Alex Legue from Graphiscan with Steve Daigle from H.P.
Graphiscan, has just acquired the HP Indigo 100K digital press. This new press will be operated in the premises of the Montreal printing plant, located on Saint-Urbain Street, on the edge of the Little Italy district. The delivery and installation obviously required a lot of care and several hours of work.Designed for offset transfer, this B2 press is the most productive in the world. It has a non-stop digital printing capacity of 6000 sheets per hour.
Originally a trade colour separation house
Originally a trade colour separation house
Graphiscan becames the first printer in Eastern Canada to use this press. Geared towards a digital transition, the HP Indigo 100K will increase productivity by 30 percent and efficiency by 50 percent. Graphiscan, a printing, direct mail, and graphic communication company with three locations in and around Montreal. Founded in 1980 , equipment include a Heidelberg CD 102 press with aqueous varnish, as well as a Heidelberg 8 colours "perfector" press, HP Indigo 3550 Digital Press, MGI Meteor DP60 Pro, Mueller 6 stations
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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