20 June 2023
Union Concerned About Sale Of Marquis To American Printer
Represents over 90% of employees at Louisville plant
Represents over 90% of employees at Louisville plant
Unifor members eyeing sale of Quebec book printer Marquis Imprimeur to American giant Lakeside Book. Marquis met with unionized workers at the Louiseville, Que. printing plant to break the unsettling news to workers, as well as to reassure them of their job security. According to the employer, skilled labor is an important part of the transaction between Lakeside and Marquis printing companies.
North America's largest book printer and now Canada's largest
North America's largest book printer and now Canada's largest
Unifor Local 145 represents some 125 employees working for the Marquis printing plant in Louiseville .Daniel St.-Pierre, National Representative for Unifor Québec said the union is approaching the sale with caution. Even if the majority of production contracts come from the United States, it's always a little worrying when an American company acquires a Quebec company, he said.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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