21 December 2022
Mi5 Starting New Heat Set Web Plant
Web press being moved in to the Paris , Ontario plant
Web press being moved in to the Paris , Ontario plant
Mi5 is creating a 130,000 Sq. Ft. web printing plant in Paris, Ontario. Equipment will consist of a 48 page Sunday 4000 web and a 24 page Sunday 2000 . The Sunday 4000 is 4/4 and the Sunday 2000 is 6/6. They are also putting an 10 pocket sticher with folders and a cutter line. The plant will be completely headset webs with no sheet fed . The web press came out of Starweb the web division of West Star Printing of Toronto. 
Listed as Canada's 36th largest printer by Graphic Monthly
Listed as Canada's 36th largest printer by Graphic Monthly
Mi5 main Mississauga plant has offset, digital and wide formate equipment . Volume is made up of litho (45%) ,digital(35%) and wide.  format(20%).They claim to have over 75 pieces of equipment from pre-press to bindery. The plant  employs 200 people and in a 180,000 sq/ft plant in Mississauga . Focus market is targeted marketing solutions; direct mail, kitting, fulfillment and distribution; and especially custom product development. The company runs 24/7/365 days a year. The company evolved from a film trade house. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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