28 September 2022
Former Director of Graphic Services at the University of New Brunswick Passes Away
Vaughn Auke Bosma
Vaughn Auke Bosma
 Vaughn Auke Bosma on September 24th, at the age 85 in Truro, Nova Scotia. In 1956 at age 19 he travelled alone to Canada to visit for 6 months. He fell in love with this country and decided to immigrate. He soon found employment in the printing industry. This became his career, starting with a business in Truro, then to Saint John, NB. His printing expertise was recruited by Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB
After retiring he worked in the historical print shop at Kings Landing
After retiring he worked in the historical print shop at Kings Landing
for many years before moving to Fredericton to become the Director of Graphic Services at the University of New Brunswick. After his retirement from UNB, he fully enjoyed his role in 19th century costume as a printer in the antiquated Print Shop at Kings Landing Historical Settlement. He was born February 2, 1937 in the town of Medemblik, in the province of Noord-Holland in the Netherlands. Friesian was his first language. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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