1 September 2022
Melan Variable Printer Goes Bankrupt
Digital direct mail printer
Digital direct mail printer
 MELAN INC. a variable direct mail printer has gone bankrupt. Started in 2007 and specialized in one-to-one direct printing has closed it's doors. The company had a Xeikon 5000 roll fed web and a Hunkeler unit plus a saddle sticker with 3 knife trimmer and folders.
Main press was a Xeikon 5000 roll fed digital press
Main press was a Xeikon 5000 roll fed digital press
With reported staff of around five to seven. Sales were believed to be around $1 million. The auction for the assets is set for September 8th in Montreal. Attempts to reach the owners was not successful and the phone are out of service. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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