26 May 2022
Metro Paper Box Sold To Specialties Graphic Finishers
One of the manufactures of rigid paper boxes
One of the manufactures of rigid paper boxes
 Metro paper box Limited was founded in the 70s by the present owners father. It specializes in small to medium run rigid slash Set up boxes. It has machines to make clear plastic lids, wrapped cases up to 40 inches tall, machine to apply metal hinges bracket foil stamping, board grooving, mounting board to board and paper to board. The assets and employees are being transferred to specialties Main plant in Scarborough. The customer base is mostly American a few printers in Ontario and a number of graphic design companies.
Also owns Anstey that also makes rigid paper boxes
The potential of a growth for rigid/set up boxes is great because there's growing difficulty in getting product from China, people are continually buying more and more products that come in boxes .  The box wrap can be either printed/stamped little paper or cloth . Specialties Graphic Finishers does bindery work for printers across Canada and the United States. Specialties is known for their  innovation, customized machinery and creative solutions. Norm Beange is know for his videos of unusual bindery jobs. Specialties owns Anstey Book Binding which also makes rigid boxes . 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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