4 May 2022
Hanover Typocraft Installs Mohr D66 Cutter
Gary Thomas owner beside Mohr D66 cutter
Gary Thomas owner beside Mohr D66 cutter
 Sydney Stone hasinstalled a new Series certified Mohr D66 ECO Hydraulic Paper Cutter at Hanover Typocraft. Equipment that qualifies as part of certified series is generally under 5 years old and already in exceptional condition prior to our reconditioning process. Certified Series machines include our 5-Star EMA, comprising of a comprehensive one-year parts and labour warranty and two on-site preventative maintenance .
Part of the Hanover community for over 50 years
Part of the Hanover community for over 50 years
Hanover Typocraft, a family-run business since 1962, this past February when their 50 year old cutter finally made its final cut. Hanover Typocraft has digital and offset equipment. They handle short and mid size Commercial printing in the Hanover and surrounding area.  A lot has changed in the past 50 years but Hanover Typocraft  attention to quality and service has not!! 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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