11 August 2021
Packaging Film Made From 100% Plants
Flexable packaging film 100% plant based and decomposable
Flexable packaging film 100% plant based and decomposable
 University of Cambridge Research has created a polymer film made from 100% plant protein that requires no chemical additives. They claim it has comparable functionality to conventional plastics. Decomposes naturally , without harming the environment. Made 100% from plant protein which can be sourced as a by-product of the agriculture products , Xampla, says that the  material can be disposed of in nature after use like any natural waste, leaving no pollutants.
British company bring product to market
British company bring product to market
Scientists were able to naturally assemble plant proteins so that the final structure was very similar to spider silk. The researchers say that this “breakthrough” is the first time these structures have been seen in a material that derives from plant protein. Research, reportedly shows how scientists were able to naturally assemble plant proteins so that the final structure was very similar to spider silk. The researchers say that this “breakthrough” is the first time these structures have been seen in a material that derives from plant protein. 
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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