25 October 2017
Agfa buys Bodoni Systems of England
Quality control software
Quality control software
Agfa has bought Bodoni Systems and pressSign software. They plan to integrate pressSign into Agfa Apogee workflow portfolio. Agfa claims , the Bodoni software will allow plate customers to save money and improve efficiency. PressSIGN Global Print management system measures, control, monitor and evaluate the colour printing process between locations anywhere in the world.
Bodoni was looking for a larger company that could take the product to the next level and had world wide distribution. Their major competitors are Esko, efi, CGS, Glogal Imaging and gmg. Budoni also dealt through distributors but that will be coming to an end and customers can now deal direct. ll staff will be retained.
1. Presssign Fan says:
7 November 2017 at 12:43 PM
 The list of 'competitors' is questionable as pressSIGN's press features are not matched by these creators. Agfa purchased Bodoni Systems (UK) who continue to develop pressSIGN for new users & upgrades for existing customers. Agfa will supply PressTune, Agfa's fully featured version which will join the Apogee software line-up. The Agfa deal will help PressTune to become a staple tool in the printers colour management toolbox, ensuring colour accuracy throughout the print run alongside its powerful reporting tools.
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Is this good or bad for all NON-Epson printers?...
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