5 July 2016
Canada Post issues 72-hour notice
OTTAWA, ON—Both Canada Post and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) have released statements today, concerning contract negotiations.

Canada Post states that the offers that were presented on June 25, 2016 is the company’s final offer and represents a “reasonable framework for settlements.” They also say that CUPW’s demands of more than $1 billion were unaffordable and therefore rejected those demands.

According to the Post its already seeing the negative impact of a potential strike, lettermail was down by 50 percent over the weekend and almost all e-commerce customers have moved their parcels to other carriers.

A 72-hour notice has been issued a to the union, although Canada post states this does not mean they will be closed on Friday.

The CUPW see’s the notice as an effort to impose steep concessions on its members.

“We knew this was their game all along,” Mike Palecek, president of the CUPW said. “They are sabotaging the public review of the post office. They refused to negotiate fairly with us and now they’ re locking the doors and will try to starve us into submission.”

More from the CUPW here.
2. Mark says:
6 July 2016 at 5:34 PM
this will certainly cause huge losses in business in the print community and other related businesses. The postal workers have to realize the real world where most people looking for a job are under contract now without any benefits. also when a strike goes long you never make back what you have lost.
1. Marc says:
6 July 2016 at 4:22 PM
in a time when the economy is weak for jobs it is time for higher earning workers to take a look at what the average person in the workforce is having to live on.if your locked out you will never getback what you have lost.10
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