3 June 2013
Two Sides pushes print in National Geographic
TORONTO—Two Sides, a non-profit working to promote the responsible production and use of print and paper, has launched a U.S. magazine and television campaign called No Wonder You Love Paper.

The blitz, which promotes the sustainability and versatility of magazines and newspapers, follows a similar effort in Europe that Two Sides called "highly successful." The organization anticipates $10 million worth of placements, starting with an ad in the June issue of National Geographic.

"Two Sides research shows that 70% of polled U.S. consumers, including 69% of 18- to 24-year-olds, say they prefer to read print and paper communications rather than reading off a screen," said Phil Riebel, Two Sides president, in a release.

The ads feature people enjoying magazines and newspapers in their daily lives, coupled with facts about sustainability. "For example, a lot of people don't know that 65% of paper produced in the United States each year is collected and recycled or that there are now 49% more trees growing in U.S. forests than 50 years ago," Riebel said. The campaign also includes a website that offers additional info and facts.

Two Sides started in Europe in 2008 and is an independent organization with more than 1,000 members. Earlier this year, it was one of several industry groups that took on the Google-backed "Go Paperless" initiative that urged office workers and consumers to remove the 'paper' from paperwork.
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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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