5 March 2013
CPISTF scholarships won't drop out
OTTAWA—While the Canadian Printing Industries Sector Council (CPISC) will shut down later this month, the Canadian Printing Industries Scholarship Trust Fund (CPISTF) will carry on.

Scholarships will still be offered to students already receiving support, as well as to new successful applicants for the 2013-2014 school year. CPISTF chair Don Gain explained in a release that the program operates as a separate legal entity from both CPISC and the CPIA (Canadian Printing Industries Association).

Ryerson University students accepting CPISTF awards last year

"Though CPIA has been extremely supportive financially and administratively over the many years of our existence we have always had our own Board of Trustees governing the activities of the Fund," said Gain, who runs Harmony Printing in Toronto.

The scholarship program was launched in 1971, through the collaborative efforts of a group of print industry executives, to support students in post-secondary graphic communications programs in Canada. Over $1 million has been donated to the fund over the years.

In the weeks to come, CPISTF will undergo some administrative changes and a new web address and contact information will be unveiled. For now, CPISTF can be contacted via the CPIA office, or through administrator Bob Elliott at bob[at]beassociates.ca.
1. Tony Karg says:
6 March 2013 at 3:04 PM
CPISC and CPISTF are completely separate organizations. CPISC (Canadian Printing Industry Sector council) never had anything to do with the CPISTF (Canadian Printing Industry Scholarship Trust Fund. I can appreciate because of the similarity in acronyms there might be confusion, but these are two completely different organizations.
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