5 April 2012
Canadian newspaper readers still choosing print over online: survey
TORONTO—Print newspapers are still readers' primary choice for news, as revealed in a Newspaper Audience Databank survey. 

Canadians who solely read print papers made up 58 per cent of readers, while only nine percent used the internet alone and 78 per cent read both digital and print newspapers. 

In addition, the study showed that readers spent almost twice as long using print newspapers as they did online. According to a Globe and Mail article, in Toronto the number was even higher, with readers spending 211 minutes a week with a paper but only 46 minutes on news websites.  

Further issues for online news outlets were mentioned as the Globe article also cited a Pew Research Center's Projects for Excellence in Journalism study, stating "for every $1 newspapers gain in online advertising, they lose $7 from the printed editions."  

— Mike Woodward, Editorial Intern
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