31 October 2011
CPISC core funding cut by federal government
OTTAWA—The federal government has cut core funding to industry sector councils, effective March 31, 2013. Marie Eveline, executive director of the Canadian Printing Industry Sector Council, said she received official word of the cuts in July.

Core funding refers to the operational money the councils received to carry out their mandates. Project funding, for which council must apply on a project-by-project basis, has also been cut to $30 million per year from $70 million. The eligible bodies that can apply for project funding has been extended beyond sector councils.

Eveline said the federal government has undertaken a review of sector councils, but the decision to cut funding was a surprise.

 Nevertheless Eveline also said CPISC is prepared to deal with the cuts, and has already begun transitioning from a research-based organization into one that offers products, services and resources to generate revenues so the council can become self-sustanining. Discussions have begun to explore possible partnerships with industry bodies, she said.

CPISC was established in 2005, with a mandate to study human resource issues and problems in the printing industry and make recommendations. It has released several skills-standards reports to standardize training in various areas of printing, for example.

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Most Recent News Comment
Mr Beastly says:
was this not installed over a year ago? Saw another press release on it from 2023??
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